Our values
With a view to keep the 100-year family business alive, the entire group managing the Molini Besozzi Marzoli S.u.r.l. is devoted to a series of founding values which serve as a point of reference for strategic decisions concerning the property and the management of the business as well as the for daily decisions regarding the conduct of everyone working for the group. The value we chose is INTEGRITY.
Our Policy for Quality
The concept of integrity therefore underpins our Policy for Quality. Integrity is defined as follows. Integrity towards the customer: it is fundamental that we serve our customers to the best of our ability, ensuring that they receive the highest standards of hygiene and quality, given that they are the most important asset for the sustainability of the business. Integrity towards ourselves: respecting the Law, the duty of every good citizen even in the context of the complex Italian legal system, is not enough; it is vital that the conduct of everyone working for group – employees, collaborators, suppliers etc. – be serious and coherent so as to protect the solid reputation of the business which the previous generations worked so hard to build. Integrity towards our colleagues: everyone must work together, and to the best of their ability, to be successful together; the property and the management must not only ensure a healthy, safe and pleasant work environment, but also use appropriate tools to make the most out of the best talents in the business, particularly the youngest workers, in terms of both training and opportunities for professional and economic growth. Integrity towards the outside world: we must respect and value the community we live in and implement policies to help us integrate further into the fabric of local society; we must take care of the planet (and neither pollute nor impoverish it by wasting resources) so we can be proud when the time comes to hand the business over to future generations.
Our Mission
From these values and codes of conduct – which, we are well aware, are hard to maintain, particularly in the difficult sector in which we operate – our primary objective is to ensure the economic-financial sustainability, as well as that of our heritage, of all the businesses managing Molini Besozzi Marzoli. Only in this way can we ensure economic stability for ourselves and our families, the key for a calm and peaceful life. We therefore gave ourselves an objective, an important mission that, among other things, summarises our ethical standards: to serve our customers to the best of our ability and become leaders in innovative baking products. It is our desire to reach this objective with a smile and in the most calm and pleasant working environment possible, so that we can take the greatest satisfaction in our work.
Ethical Code
Aware that both ethical conduct constitutes value and is a condition for success and that principles such as moral integrity, honesty, transparency and a sense of responsibility are fundamental to its mission, MOLINI BESOZZI MARZOLI S.u.r.l. has set out an Ethical Code detailing mandatory guidelines for the conduct of administrators, managers, employees and collaborators for internal relationships and relationships with customers, suppliers and institutions.
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